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- AFCMD (Analyse Fonctionnelle du Corps dans le Mouvement Dansé) -
First student at the Ballet School of Opéra de Paris, Clotilde then trained for Contemporary dance with “Les studios de cours” then with Joseph Russillo’s Company and the National Contemporary Dance Center in Angers with Alwin Nikolais.
As a dancer, she joined Serge Keuten and Marie Christine Ghéorghiu’s company where she also took part in the choreographic research based on Laban Bertenieff’s principles.
She has been teaching AFCMD (Analyse Fonctionnelle du Corps dans le Mouvement Dansé) since 1992. She teaches for the “Diplôme d’État de professeur de Danse” at the Centre National de la Danse, at Rick Odum’s Institute in Paris and at CEFEDEM in Normandie.
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